Two courses we offer to 9th graders really help differentiate their course of study: AP Human Geography and AP Physics 1. Although these are academically rigorous courses, they are designed to be an entry point to taking AP coursework. These courses translate into great opportunities for a 9th grader to begin accumulating AP courses ahead of their peers, which becomes an advantage in college admissions.

By starting early, students have more time to pursue electives and diverse activities in later years. AP Human Geography and AP Physics 1 build skills that will serve a student well in other social science courses, such as AP Psychology and AP Economics, or other STEM courses like AP Physics 2, AP Physics C, AP Biology, and AP Chemistry.

Unfortunately, a prevalent myth of “I can’t” is told to many students and parents alike. 9th graders are told they aren’t ready, when many of them are in fact capable. We have had the pleasure of serving a lot of successful freshman in our AP courses over the years and they have benefited in their Course of Study accordingly.

Check our course catalogs to see what classes might fit your schedule! And don’t worry if 9th grade has already passed for you. It’s never too late to get started!

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