At LCP, we know there are a lot of factors that go into selecting the perfect school. Here is a list of general questions that may help you decide if Legend College Prep is a good fit for you. If you don’t see your question listed below, feel free to contact us to get them answered.    

Are the classes at LCP accredited and UC A-G approved?
Yes! We are fully accredited under WASC. Every class we offer is on the UC A-G course list.  
My student is already taking classes elsewhere. How is LCP different from other institutions?

LCP offers a variety of courses to choose from, so you are not limited to just a single subject of study. Check out our current offerings here!

How much does it cost to attend LCP?

This depends on the student’s situation and how many courses are taken. Academic Coaching and transportation will be available for an additional monthly fee. 

How are the courses held at LCP?

We offer both in-person courses as well as online courses. Students will still receive homework, exams, and labs as appropriate. We have a designated area for our middle students to do homework before they head off to their classes. 

What is Academic Coaching?

Upon arrival to LCP, Students will do their homework under the supervision of the academic coach until their classes start. Students will also have breaks in between their coursework to interact with their peers. 

Do you offer transportation from the public schools to LCP?

Yes! Transportation will be through a third-party organization Kids Kab. Students will be picked up from their school and dropped-off at LCP. 

Will there be any interaction between the middle school and high school students?

We have designated areas for both middle school and high school students, so the groups will only interact amongst other students in their respective grades. 

I have some general LCP questions

You will answers to general LCP questions here

Still have questions or didn’t see your question listed? Contact us to get them answered! 

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