As the 2024-25 school year approaches, it’s time to think strategically about which high school courses to take. The choices you make now can significantly impact your GPA, academic rigor, college readiness, and even your future career. With the right planning and criteria, you can set yourself up for success both in high school and beyond. Here’s how to make the best-fit and smartest decisions for your course selection.

1. Increase Your GPA by Choosing Weighted Courses

  • Criteria: Opt for Advanced Placement (AP) or honors courses that offer a weighted GPA. These courses are more challenging but can boost your GPA by up to 1.0 points if you do well.
  • Supporting Data: According to the College Board, students who take AP courses and exams stand out in the college admissions process, and a strong performance can increase your GPA and demonstrate your ability to handle college-level work.

2. Improve Academic Rigor with Strategic Course Selection

  • Criteria: Choose courses that demonstrate academic rigor, particularly in core subjects like math, science, and English. Colleges look for students who challenge themselves with difficult coursework.
  • Supporting Data: The National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) states that the rigor of a student’s course load is one of the top factors in college admissions decisions. Taking challenging courses shows that you are prepared for the demands of college.

3. Align Courses with College and Career Planning

  • Criteria: Select courses that align with your intended college major or career path. If you’re interested in engineering, for example, prioritize math and science courses like Calculus and Physics. If you’re leaning towards a career in the humanities, focus on advanced English and social science courses.
  • Example: A student aiming for a career in medicine should prioritize biology, chemistry, and AP science courses. By aligning your coursework with your career goals, you’re not only preparing for college but also building a strong foundation for your future career.

4. Ensure Course Fit and Manageability

  • Criteria: Choose courses that you can handle without overwhelming yourself. Consider your current workload, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments when selecting your classes.
  • Advice: It’s better to excel in a manageable course load than to struggle in an overly ambitious one. Balance is key—ensure that your course load is challenging but achievable.

5. Be Aware of Course Prerequisites and Plan Early

  • Criteria: Understand the prerequisites for advanced courses and plan your schedule accordingly. Many AP courses have prerequisites that must be completed before enrollment, so early planning is essential.
  • Advice: Start planning your course sequence as early as middle school. For example, if you plan to take AP Chemistry in 11th grade, you should complete Chemistry Honors in 10th grade and Algebra II beforehand. Early planning ensures that you meet all prerequisites and can take the courses you need to reach your goals.

6. Start Accumulating A-G Courses in Middle School

  • Criteria: If possible, begin accumulating A-G courses while in middle school. This early start can lighten your high school course load and give you more flexibility to take advanced or elective courses later.
  • Supporting Data: Research from the University of California shows that students who complete A-G requirements early are more likely to graduate on time and be admitted to college. By starting these courses in middle school, you can spread out the workload and reduce stress during high school.


Selecting the right courses for the 2024-25 school year is crucial for boosting your GPA, demonstrating academic rigor, and aligning your education with your college and career goals. By following these criteria—prioritizing weighted courses, improving academic rigor, aligning with your future plans, ensuring manageability, planning for prerequisites, and starting A-G courses early—you can make smart and strategic choices that will benefit you in the long run.

For personalized advice and help with course selection, contact LCP’s Student Success Team at We’re here to support you in making the best decisions for your academic journey.