At LCP, we know there are a lot of factors that go into selecting the perfect school. Here is a list of general questions that may help you decide if Legend College Prep is a good fit for you. If you don’t see your question listed below, feel free to contact us to get them answered.    

How long has LCP been established?

LCP was founded in 1993 and has helped over students further their education and discover their maximum potentials. 

Why do students attend LCP?

Students attend LCP for a variety of reasons, such as to finish prerequisites, get ahead with AP courses, obtain credit recovery, plan for future courses, and enroll in courses their public schools may not offer. 


Are the classes at LCP accredited and UC A-G approved?

Yes! We are fully accredited under WASC. Every class we offer is on the UC A-G course list.  

Will my public school accept credits from LCP?

Yes! We haven’t had any issues with transferring credits from one WASC accredited institution to another. We accept credit transfers from other high schools to our transcripts as well.

How many students are enrolled at LCP?

Our class sizes don’t exceed more than 15 students per class to ensure each student gets the help they need to do well in the course. 

How much does it cost to attend LCP?

This depends on the student’s situation and how many courses are taken. Most of our courses require 2 semesters to finish the course. The pricing varies depending on each course. You can view our complete course offerings here

How long does it take to finish a course at LCP?

Our school year courses meets once a week for 2 hours each session. The spring intensive program meets two times a week for 2 hours each session. Our summer courses meet two times a week for 3 hours each session. 

How are the courses held at LCP?

We offer both in-person courses as well as online courses. Students will still receive homework, exams, and labs as appropriate. 

I have questions about AP exams

You will find answers to general AP exam questions here

Still have questions or didn’t see your question listed? Contact us to get them answered! 

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