Grow your language arts skills with unique classes!

English and Language Arts can often become routine and undifferentiated parts of your Course of Study, unrecognizable from one course to another. If you’re looking for something that stands out and provides you with a unique experience, check out our latest additions to our Language Arts classes!


New in 2020

Literature of the Diaspora

One Semester

This course explores literature from various global communities affected by diaspora, or “the movement, migration, or scattering of a people away from an established or ancestral homeland.” With the artistic expressions of those displaced by war, famine, and religious persecution, our students will better understand the journeys of diverse communities, with the goal of creating empathy. This is an honors-level course recommended for students who desire a chance to broaden their perspective.

Literature of Social Justice

One semester

The history of the United States is a complex mix of great accomplishment and advancement coexisting with racism, classism, and cultural subjugation. This course challenges the “whitewashing” of history through analyses of different works created by people who experience, but also desire to address oppression. We hope that this class provides students with the capacity to unflinchingly recognize the shortcomings of our nation with the goal of preparing themselves as future catalysts of change.

Advanced English & Public Health Honors

Whole Year

Advanced English and Public Health is focused on the unifying theme of Public Health and related issues. It requires students to answer essential questions divided by thematic CTE units — health ethics, communication, health care, epidemiology and careers — while applying their developing knowledge and skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This unique course is a great fit for any student with an intent of pursuing any health-related field as a college major or beyond.

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Why you’ll get a unique experience from our new classes

You’ll learn the same critical thinking, reading, and writing skills as a high school honors-level language arts class. What keeps you motivated? Current, relevant topics that are real to today’s youth!

Looking for more?

Head on over to our course catalog page where you’ll also be able to enroll in a class for this year. Want to talk to one of our staff to plan out your next session with us? Reach out on our contact form and we’d be happy to set up a virtual appointment with you!


LCP’s Language Arts Build Mature Students

Develop Cultural Perspective

Diversely curated materials allow our youth to be exposed to wider views and complex ideas. With a deeper appreciation for people groups, students are best prepared for a future where they must engage with the world.

Read with Skill

Today’s fast paced world brings about a wealth of information, references, and opinions that demands skillful handling. LCP prepares its students not just with the knowledge of past canon, but also with the sophistication to comprehend the challenges of the present time.

Communicate Ideas

Ideas are plentiful and compete for our attention. We train students to communicate and defend one’s own ideas above the noise in order to make contributions in one’s own community, workplace, or our industries as a whole.

Become a Better Learner

Linguistic skills are a tool for learning itself. Whether a student pursues STEM or liberal arts, language is the vessel by which learning takes place. LCP students enhance their abilities in other disciplines by increasing their capacities in language arts.


Discover More Subjects

Year-Long Courses

Social Sciences

Some of our most popular courses are in the Social Sciences division! With courses such as AP Psychology, Economics, and Human Geography, they are sure to provide you with a unique learning experience that sets you apart from other students!

Year-Long Courses


A significant portion of our student body aim for STEM-related majors. We pride ourselves at LCP in providing a sensible path in STEM advancement, ensuring a solid foundation for any student’s future academic progression.


Why LCP?


UC A-G Approved

All of our courses are approved for college preparatory credits and count towards your GPA for college admissions.


Virtual Livestreamed Courses

Learn with us from the comfort of your home. We host live lectures for each class with carefully curated material which guides critical learning for each subject.


Unique Course of Study

Differentiate yourself with your coursework. With LCP, you get access to a variety of AP and Honors courses to propel your Course of Study to new heights.


Protected Learning

Even during the pandemic, we haven’t allowed our students’ learning objectives or progress to slow. It is an imperative commitment that we make to equip our students for their college education.

Safely Learn From Your Home

Competent Online Education

The fact is, we’ve been hosting our classes online for quite some time now. Students are able to take credited courses with us online, giving flexibility to scheduling and options in a way that few schools can provide. Check out the video to learn more!


Hear from successful students!

Don’t just take our word for it. Many students have gone through Legend College Prep’s courses and have come out better for it. Listen to Prathik’s story and see where he is today!

Got Questions?

Still want to learn more? We’re happy to engage with you. You can set up a virtual appointment with our staff to have questions answered or help with planning your coursework. Otherwise, if you’re ready to enroll, you can click on the link below to get started now!

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