Alternative Enrollment Timeline

Step 1: Immediate Inquiry and Exploration (June)

  • Contact Admissions: Reach out to our admissions team immediately to express interest in enrolling.
  • Visit Our Website: Quickly familiarize yourself with LCP’s programs, infrastructure, and philosophy by exploring our website.
  • Information Sessions: Schedule an expedited virtual or in-person information session to learn about LCP.

Step 2: Rapid Application Submission (June)

  • Application Form: Fill out and submit the online application form as soon as possible.
  • Gather Documents: Collect and submit the necessary documents, including transcripts, standardized test scores, and any additional materials within one week.
  • Recommendations: Request recommendation letters from two teachers, educators, or counselors who know you well, focusing on different academic areas. Submit these as soon as they are available.

Step 3: Expedited Testing and Interview (June – Early July)

  • Entrance Exam: Take the LCP entrance exam, designed to assess your readiness in key academic areas, within a week of application submission.
  • Personal Interview: Schedule and attend an interview with an admissions officer, either in person or virtually, as soon as possible after taking the entrance exam.

Step 4: Accelerated Admissions Review (Early July)

  • Review Process: The admissions committee will expedite the review of your application, considering academic performance, recommendations, test scores, and the interview within a few days.
  • Additional Information: Provide any additional information or clarification requested by the admissions team promptly.

Step 5: Quick Decision Notification (Mid-July)

  • Receive Decision: Look for an expedited email notification with the admissions decision. Accepted students will receive an enrollment packet with detailed next steps.

Step 6: Immediate Enrollment Confirmation (Late July)

  • Confirm Enrollment: Accept the offer by signing and returning the enrollment agreement along with the enrollment deposit within one week.
  • Scheduling Meeting: Set up a meeting with an academic advisor to design a personalized schedule that meets your flexibility needs.

Step 7: Intensive Transition and Preparation (August)

  • Orientation Programs: Attend orientation sessions to get acquainted with LCP’s community and resources, with specific sessions on managing a flexible schedule.
  • Course Planning: Finalize your personalized course schedule with your academic advisor.
  • Summer Preparation: Complete any summer assignments to ensure a strong start in the fall.

Step 8: Start of School (September)

  • Begin Classes: Start the school year with a customized, flexible schedule that fits your needs, allowing you to balance academic excellence with other commitments.

Step 1: Initial Contact and Inquiry (August 15 – August 22, 2024)

  1. Contact Admissions:

Step 2: Application and Preparation (August 22 – September 5, 2024)

  1. Complete Application:
    • Fill out and submit the online application form.
    • Gather and submit necessary documents, including transcripts and recommendation letters.
    • Pay the application fee of $150.
  2. Entrance Exam and Interview:
    • Schedule and take the entrance exam.
    • Attend a personal interview with an admissions officer to discuss the student’s interests and goals.
  3. Admissions Decision:
    • Receive an admissions decision promptly and, if accepted, complete the enrollment process by signing the enrollment agreement and paying the deposit.

Step 3: Course Planning and Enrollment (September 6 – October 15, 2024)

  1. Academic Advising:
    • Meet with an academic advisor to create a personalized schedule.
    • Identify three group classes from the course catalog that the student can join by January 12, 2025.

Step 4: Transition to Group Classes (November 15, 2024 – January 11, 2025)

  1. Orientation:
    • Attend orientation sessions starting November 15 to get acquainted with the school, meet faculty, and understand the logistics of group classes.
  2. Initial Classes to Cover the Semester 1 Curriculum:
    • Enroll in one-on-one credited courses to prepare for group classes. Suggested courses could include foundational subjects that align with the group classes to be joined later.
    • Take asynchronous classes to further build knowledge and skills at the student’s own pace.
  3. Holiday Break:
    • Use the holiday break (mid-December to early January) to review and prepare for the group classes starting in January.

Step 5: Enrollment in Group Classes (Starting January 12, 2025)

  1. Select Three Group Classes:
    • Based on the course catalog, select three group classes to join starting January 12, 2025. Examples of such classes could include Algebra II, World History, and Biology.
  2. Continued Support:
    • Ensure continued academic advising and support to help the student succeed in her group classes and adjust to the new learning environment.

Contact Information: For any questions or additional information, please contact the LCP admissions office or visit the 2024-25 Fall-Spring Classes, One-on-One Credited Courses, and Are Asynchronous Classes The Right Fit For You? pages.

By following this alternative timeline, the student can be well-prepared and ready to join three group classes by January 12, 2025, ensuring a smooth transition and a successful academic experience at LCP.

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