(External Student)
AP exam season can be stressful, so we are here to help. Here is a list of AP exam questions that you may have. If you don’t see your question listed below, feel free to contact us to get them answered.
When making my College Board account, do I use the Legend School Code or my regular school code?
If you’ve taken your class with Legend, please use the Legend school code. If you are an external student, either school code is fine.
Where will the exams be held?
DeAnza College, Kirsch Center next to parking lot D. Use the south entrance. on McClellan Road. Follow the signs to your designated classroom.
How long will my exam take?
You can reference CB for exam times here. Times posted by CB are the active testing time frames. Always add an additional 60-90 minutes to the posted testing time to allow for check-in, instruction time, and breaks.
When will I receive my College Board join code?
Your join code will be emailed to you within 2 weeks of your paid registration. It will be up to you to create a College Board account if you don’t already have one.
Will I have access to AP Classroom study materials?
Yes, if you’re an internal student. No, if you are an external student. When you participate as an external student, you are considered “exam only”, meaning you will not have access AP Classroom materials. If you are taking the class through another school, they may be able to give you access or you can utilize College Board’s YouTube study videos.
What should I bring with me on exam day?
You’ll be receiving an email about 2 weeks before your exam with specific details on what to bring and not bring for your exam.
Will the exams be digital or paper format?
College Board has switched several exam subjects to digital or hybrid digital this year. You can reference the CB website (here) to see which exams will be digital or hybrid. If your exam is not listed, it will be done in paper format.
“Students are encouraged to use their personal devices as long as they fit into one of the categories below. Please be sure the Bluebook application is installed prior to exam day.
-Windows laptop or tablet*
-Mac laptop
*Tablets and iPads will also need an external keyboard.”
Should I bring my personal digital device?
“Students are encouraged to use their personal devices as long as they fit into one of the categories below. Please be sure the Bluebook application is installed prior to exam day.
-Windows laptop or tablet*
-Mac laptop
*Tablets and iPads will also need an external keyboard.”
Should I bring a calculator for my exam?
You can reference the CB calculator policy here.
Will there be extra pens, pencils or calculators available if mine don't work?
Yes, we will have extra supplies on hand for student use.
Can I bring food/drinks with me to the test?
Food and drinks are not allowed inside the testing room. You may bring them, leave them outside the room, and access them during the break period.
If I am approved for special accommodations with College Board, will I be able to test with you?
Unfortunately, we are not able to support any accommodations that requires you to test in a different room.
If there is a time conflict with another exam or unplanned circumstance, will I be able to reschedule my exam?
It is highly unlikely that we will be able to accommodate any late testing days. In emergency situations, we will attempt to provide late testing but we cannot guarantee availability of a facility or proctor.
If I can't attend my exam, will I receive a negative score report?
No. There is no penalty to score or record if you don’t attend the exam. The College Board does not keep any record of students who don’t the test.
Still have questions or didn’t see your question listed? Contact us to get them answered!