Legend College Preparatory

Accelerated Academics

Cover a year’s worth of coursework in 2-3 months without compromising on understanding and retention of subject matter

Personalized Education

Set goals and customize your educational experience.  Enroll in classes that will positively impact your college application

Success and Maximizing your Potential 

As a high school student, grades and relevant coursework are significant parts of your college application. Separate your academic strengths from your high school peers by enrolling in Legend’s specialized courses. 

Honors and AP coursework that showcase your academic grit to colleges

Expansive course selection that allows you customize your academic journey

Streamlined teaching that gets students to readily absorb course materials

UC a-g approved classes, WASC accredited institution

Goal Setting

Understand your strengths/weaknesses and set results-oriented academic goals

Course Selection

Choose courses that cater to your strengths  and fit your college application

Relational Care

Connect with a teacher who will provide mentorship and guidance in coursework

Practical Curriculum

Lectures, exercises, and benchmarks that intently track academic progress

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Who thrives at LCP?

We are searching for students who are ready to take on AP and Honors courses, and students that want to learn how to navigate more difficult courses. Once the student enrolls in a course, we will support students so that they are encouraged to attend class consistently, be present in lectures, and complete assignments successfully.

How does Legend fit a year-long course in 2-3 months?

LCP condenses course materials into intensive class sessions that last for several weeks. The total time spent in LCP classes is equivalent to the time spent in one college course taken on a quarterly system. Our strength is in smaller class sizes, which give students individualized time with teachers. For teachers, a smaller class size allows them to adjust accordingly to each student’s needs, speeding up the process of their learning. 

Will my high school accept credits from LCP Courses?

We don’t have issues with credit transfers from one WASC accredited institution from another. In our transcripts, we also accept credit transfers from other high schools.

That said, the most important aspect of our coursework is that it fortifies your college application. Ultimately, our mission is to ensure a robust, clear path to higher education. We do not want credit transfers to block students from moving forward in their academic careers. Click here to learn more about how credit transfers work.

Are your classes UC a-g approved?

Yes! All of our classes are on the UC a-g list, and we are a fully accredited institution under WASC.

Will my high school student be able to handle an additional courseload?

This will be depend on a student’s goals and their personal commitment to learning at LCP. We recommend that students determine their time spent in school, sports, clubs, and other organizations. Afterwards, they will be able to figure out if LCP course offerings are right for them. We find that most students are able to manage LCP classes with an appropriate work-life balance. During the school year, classes meet once per week for 2 hour sessions, and twice per week for 3.5 hour sessions in the summer.

How are classes structured?

We structure our classes just like any other educational institution. Classes have homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and labs 

We cut to the chase when we teach our subjects, focusing on main ideas and applicable topics so that students feel that their time is well spent in a classroom. Class sessions do not meet every day, so regular attendance is crucial. 

Do you need additional help?

The educational landscape is constantly shifting when it comes to high school and college plans. We are empathetic towards parents and students overwhelmed by the pressure of school and everything that happens outside of it. Legend is here for you. Book an appointment today!