Success Stories


Jenny’s journey at Legend College Preparatory (LCP) was marked by her exceptional dedication and achievement. She successfully navigated a rigorous and specialized program, excelling in numerous Advanced Placement courses and maintaining a distinguished GPA. Focused on her academic track in medicine, Jenny not only mastered the challenging curriculum but also demonstrated her passion and commitment through various related extracurricular activities. Her hard work and perseverance paid off when she was admitted to the top college on her list, securing a bright future in the medical field and proving that with determination and support, outstanding success is achievable.


Veronica’s part-time studies at Legend College Preparatory (LCP) exemplify the power of focused dedication and strategic academic planning. Through LCP’s dual enrollment program, Veronica successfully completed five Advanced Placement courses, showcasing her exceptional aptitude and commitment to her studies. Her hard work and academic excellence paid off, as she was admitted to Cornell University to pursue a major in computer science. Veronica’s journey at LCP, supported by the school’s rigorous programs and personalized guidance, highlighted her readiness for higher education and secured her place at one of the most prestigious universities in the country.


Samantha transferred from a public high school to dually enroll part-time at Legend College Preparatory (LCP) at the end of her 10th grade, feeling discouraged due to GPA concerns and a lack of academic rigor for the colleges on her list. Determined to turn things around, she decided to take a combination of six AP courses at LCP and two at her primary high school during her junior year. With the continuous support and guidance of LCP’s dedicated counselor, who regularly checked in with her to help with decisions and provide encouragement, Samantha excelled academically. Her hard work and perseverance paid off when she was accepted into the Computer Science program at Carnegie Mellon University, a testament to her transformed academic profile and LCP’s exceptional support system.


Ananya immigrated with her family to the Bay Area at the beginning of her 10th grade year, enrolling in a public high school. Upon graduation, she discovered that she hadn’t met the University of California (UC) entrance requirements. Disheartened, Ananya asked her school counselor if she could stay and study additional courses, but her request was denied. Not wanting to go the community college route and preferring to study for a full four years at a university, Ananya sought other options. She decided to repeat the 12th grade at Legend College Preparatory (LCP), where she received appropriate counseling for course planning. With determination and the support of LCP’s dedicated staff, Ananya completed all the UC A-G requirements and took several Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Her hard work paid off, and she was accepted by multiple UC campuses and state universities. Ananya was able to study the major of her choice, proving that with the right support and perseverance, dreams can be achieved.

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