As a follow-up to last week’s post, we will be discussing some additional benefits of 1:1 classes that might have slipped your mind or did not even think of.  

What Happens When Students Are Not Performing Well In Class?

When you are not doing well in a class, the first thing that comes to mind is to seek help from a tutor. But what if a few weeks in, you continue to struggle? Here are a few key indicators telling you it is time to seek other alternatives:

  • Student shows no grade improvement after a month
  • Student continues to struggle completing assignments, even with the help of the tutor
  • Student continues to constantly have to “catch up” to keep up with the class and understand current/new materials 
  • Student encounters difficulties to formulate questions when asking instructors for help in the class

In this case, additional tutoring may not be the answer. However, before you can clearly identify the best solution, you need to get to the root of the problem, to understand why it is present in the first place.

There are a few things that can be an indicator to show signs of students who are not doing well in a class. Every student learns differently, so the instructor needs to be mindful of that. However their teaching style and methodology might not suit you well, especially when the instructor has to take into consideration the needs of more than 30 students per class. 

Another thing to look for is when the focus of teaching does not match your needs. For example, too much time spent on the topics you are familiar with but not enough on areas you have trouble understanding. This can lead to students being disengaged and bored. 

Class size and the pace of the class is just as important because some students prefer to learn in a large group setting, while others prefer the 1:1 attention in order to better synthesize the material. Academic gaps in certain classes, like forgetting some fundamental concepts prior to taking the current class is also quite common in students, especially after a holiday or summer vacation.

Life happens, so you should be ready for any personal and/or emergencies that may arise, such as an injury for an athlete or other unforeseen circumstances that need to be accounted for. 

How Does A 1:1 Class Help?

The 1:1 setting allows customization for your personal learning styles. This can be customized to target the most challenging topics based on each student’s needs. The learning plan and the pace of teaching is adjusted upon the assessment results, which may vary.  After the assessments, we can identify any academic gaps and further address them by allocating our time and resources accordingly to provide the best results. A full-year course can be completed in a school year, a semester, or a summer to accommodate different unexpected life events and schedules. 

How To Implement  Next Steps

  • Withdraw from the class you are struggling in. It is better than receiving a non-passing grade. 
  • Meet with our Academic Consultant for an assessment and follow the course/curriculum recommendation plan
  • Enroll in the accredited course to recover your credits and grades

A 1:1 class with the same course title as the one you are currently taking is the key solution to your problem. It gives you time and the support you need when you need it. It gives you the same credits with a more desirable grade to submit for college applications. You will become more confident after the class because your effort is leading to success. 

LCP offers 1:1 classes with an absolutely high success rate. Contact us today at 408.865.0366, send an email to, or schedule a consultation with our Academic Consultant to find out more information about 1:1 options!



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