Legend College Preparatory is a place of learning and discovering new passions for students like Sanat. Sanat started attending LCP when he was in fourth grade. Now as a sixth grader, Sanat is able to utilize the tools and resources provided by LCP during his transition to middle school.       

Sanat is doing very well in his areas of study, but his interests lie within the sciences, specifically chemistry. Attending classes at Legend College Preparatory has helped foster Sanat’s interest in chemistry. Besides chemistry, Sanat also takes interest in biology. He enjoys learning about how DNA works and the characteristics of different animal parts. 

Most students have certain subjects that are more challenging than others. For Sanat, it is math. He says, “Math is a subject that isn’t really my interest, but I have improved greatly in math during my time at Legend College Preparatory and am now at a higher level.” By taking the first step and taking math classes with LCP, Sanat was able to receive additional help and make significant improvements.   

The instructors at Legend College Preparatory are always there to supply Sanat with the tools he needed to succeed. Sanat says, “The atmosphere here is really nice. The teachers have my back.” Sanat loves being able to meet with other students that are kind and supportive. He says, “I have met many friends here, who I hang out with here and at school.” Not only does LCP promote successful academic learning, but is also a place where long lasting friendships are made. 

Sanat feels relaxed every time he comes to Legend College Preparatory. He is able to complete a lot of his homework with the help of the teachers at LCP, while waiting for his classes to start. He says, “I never have to do homework when I get home. I still have time to play video games and tennis. Legend College Preparatory will help me get into a good college, which will lead to a good job. 

Sanat shares that he likes elective coding because “you can do anything you put your mind to. I usually tend to make databases that can store anything.” When he grows up, Sanat wants to be a Lego Designer.  





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