It’s natural for many of our students and parents to be interested in tech-related electives. After all, the industry of technology defines our school’s locale: Silicon Valley.

 But which AP tech elective is a good fit for you? And what’s the actual difference between AP Computer Science Principles and AP Computer Science A?

I’ll walk you through the nuances of each course so you’ll know the differences and how to set your own priorities. 

AP Computer Science Principles focuses on understanding the design of software, implementation of algorithms, interpreting and manipulating data, and learning about how networks of computing influence our daily lives. In short, you’re getting a “big picture” view of computer science in its theories. 

AP Computer Science A shares some overlap with AP Computer Science Principles in aspects of implementing algorithms and design. However, students will do the work of creating and testing their own code, something that AP Computer Science Principles does not emphasize. We also recommend students to have an introductory Java course completed before taking this class.

So how can you make a good choice?

If you’re interested in rounding out your education with AP’s, but aren’t in a tech-intensive major, AP Computer Science Principles is a good fit. If you think you’ll be involved with software engineering, then you’ll likely want to prioritize AP Computer Science A.

Of course, you can also take both. I’m sure some of you parents who are product managers or in similar positions can appreciate what both courses offer your students. Nevertheless, we manage packed schedules and might only be able to take one or the other, which is why the question of prioritization comes up so frequently at this time of year!

Still want to talk it out with an advisor? Reach out to us here, or call us at 408-865-0366 and we’ll be happy to walk you through the right choice for your summer classes!

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