The idea of high school online learning has been around, but has only started becoming more prevalent during the pandemic. After an entire year of adjusting and transitioning to a whole new way of life with online learning, we have compiled a list of reasons why online high schools will continue to be a norm in the 2020s, specifically asynchronous-style options.      

Anywhere-Anytime Feature Allows Proactive Learners to Take Charge of Their Learning

Online classes are designed to offer an “anywhere-anytime” option to proactive learners. The asynchronous option accommodates the busy or unpredictable schedules of student athletes or students juggling multiple extra-curricular activities. They are mostly self-directed and self-paced. While there are no live video conference sessions, students have access to other class resources and prepared materials. Asynchronous classes also Increase the chance of adding a much-needed course(s) to add the vigor of course of study, fulfill a prerequisite, boost the GPA, or recover credits. 

Better Targeted Support and Higher Efficiency of Learning                                     

With asynchronous options, students can get ahead with the topics they feel most comfortable with and there’s no need to synchronize with others who need more time to figure out. This leaves time for the instructors to direct their attention towards a different group of students, like their in-person courses, who might require more attention. 

Increases Effective Communication Among Students 

Every student learns differently is a fact. Some students prefer to ask for help via email or one-on-one rather than raising their hands in class. Asynchronous courses provide a safe space for students to formulate their questions in a more private context, instead of being put on the spot in front of the entire class. It also allows for more flexibility in terms of both the students and the instructors because if questions come up outside of class time, they can be directed to the teachers who can respond as they receive them.   

Engaging Media Learning Platforms

By providing a media-rich learning environment for students, it adds a layer of depth and breadth of learning to the material. Therefore, the learning becomes more interesting and fosters curiosity by generating meaningful discussions and interactions among the students and their peers. 

Broaden Student Perspectives to Enrich the Learning Experience

Online classes provide opportunities to engage in a student population with diverse cultural backgrounds, which enriches and broadens the learning experience. This allows for the learning to become deeper and more meaningful to students. The learning materials can be accessed anytime in different formats (visual or audio) with a device of the student’s preference. This can be extremely helpful for students because they all have a different learning style, like visual vs. auditory learners. 

Progress Tracking Tools

Being able to track and measure progress is vital to student success. Learning results and progress throughout the semester/school year can be tracked in your student’s personal portal to give some insight about their learning. Both parents and students are able to access this at any time to check-in on the status of the courses. 

If you have any questions or concerns about online learning, please reach out to us for a consultation at or give us a call 408.865.0366. We are happy to discuss and formulate a course plan that works for your student. 

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